The Squeeze (1987)

Director: Roger Young
Date Watched: 3-31-2022
Where: At home on Amazon Prime
Rating: 4/10

Had I watched this when it was new, I think I would have enjoyed it a lot less than I did watching it in 2022. It isn’t a particularly good movie. Michael Keaton is charismatic, as always, and Rae Dawn Chong exudes unearned credulity like no other, but the film itself is a fairly simple, color-by-numbers Hollywood product. However, it serves as an amazing mid-’80s time capsule. The music, the haircuts, Meat Loaf, and the fashion choices almost make this a comfort movie for someone who came of age in the 1980s. Best of all, it was shot on locations throughout New York, likely in 1986 since it came out in 1987, so it’s a chance to revisit a lost New York that I miss dearly.

As a movie it gets 3 stars, but it gets an extra star for reasons of nostalgia.

The Squeeze 1987 Movie Poster

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