Favorite Song No. 330: American Dairy Association of Mississippi – Milk (The Basic)

American Dairy Association of Mississippi - Milk the Basic

Song: Milk (The Basic)
Artist: American Dairy Association of Mississippi
Year: 1969
Album: N/A
Genre: Rhythm & Blues
Style: Dairy Funk?
Pictured: 7″ Single
Click Here to Play the Song

Before we dive into all things dairy with today’s song, let’s have a quick recap. I had a large influx of subscribers yesterday, so let’s get them acclimated, shall we?

What is This?

I spent many of 2019’s idle hours creating a list of every song I like lots, then moving them up and down the list, ranking them by how much I like them. I eventually figured out my 366 most-favorite songs ever, in ranked order.

Why 366?

One per day. It’s a leap year!

Where Can I See the Songs in One Place?

Take a look at The Virtual Record Crate! Or, you can navigate to the next or previous song from any given entry, or you can scroll through the list at the bottom of each article to see them a bit faster.

Is There a Spotify Playlist of All the Songs?

No, but there is a streamable playlist that updates daily with each new song. Spotify is evil and ripping off artists, so phooey to them. Also, I don’t really know how to use Spotify, but if someone shows me how I’ll totally make one.

Your Taste in Music Sucks

You ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Wait until we get up to my 100 favorite songs.

The Who Are Better Than Charlie Puth!

Shut up. You guys stopped reading on January 12th.

I think that about covers it, so let’s move on and meet  the American Dairy Association of Mississippi. Is that the name of a band? Maybe? I don’t even know. Is the band called The Basic? Could be? Probably not, because the lyrics go “Milk, the basic,” so that seems to be a part of the title, but I’m not going to say you’re wrong if you think otherwise. The origins of this song are shrouded in mystery. I have a copy of it, but the label reveals very little about the song.

In truth, no one seems to know very much about this song. I spent hours researching to learn that it was released in 1969, but that’s about all I could unearth. It was probably played by a random group of session musicians, so there isn’t even a proper band behind this record. They certainly didn’t need to bring in a band, because I don’t think Parliament, Kool & the Gang, or even James Brown could have done much to improve this song. They caught lightning in a bottle the day they recorded this track, whoever those nameless musicians were. So what is this record? It’s pretty much a commercial for milk that the American Dairy Association of Mississippi put out to raise awareness of their product. That seems weird, but it happens. I’ve seen television commercials for beef before, so why not a song to advertise milk?

And what a song! This is about the funkiest, grooviest, catchiest song imaginable, and way too danceable for something as wholesome and ordinary as a simple glass of milk. This song should have been saved for the Tri-State Bellbottom Association, or the Disco Dance Club of Cincinnati. Milk just ain’t this funky. Pop open the carton on this song and watch as a kaleidoscopic cornucopia of all the prismatic colors of the rainbow bursts forth like a disco ball from heaven and turns even the most mundane moment into a fabulous, funky party. Sure, it’s a song about dairy, but even vegans will dance to this one.

2 thoughts on “Favorite Song No. 330: American Dairy Association of Mississippi – Milk (The Basic)”

  1. That was pretty cool. The music flowed in such a way that you can imagine milk pour and pour.

    Iggy 🙂

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